Client: Mentorschap West-Brabant
Year: 2016
Duration: 15 min
An estimated 200,000 elderly are abused every year. Elderly abuse can be physical and psychological abuse, neglection or financial exploitation. Elderly need to feel safe and be safe. The mentors help people who struggle to keep control over their own lives. The court appoints the mentors to make decisions for these vulnerable people, about their care, nursing and treatment. The film shows a practical example of elderly abuse and shows that it can be stopped properly. The film is used for educational purposes among professional healthcare employees.
For this film about elderly abuse several institutions cooperated, such as healthcare institutions, the police, the ABN bank and even the Court of Bergen op Zoom has participated. On November 29, the film is first shown. The client was very enthusiastic and wrote: “Very impressive. You have delivered a top piece!
Here you can see the long version (15 minutes) of the film to stop elderly abuse.
On National Dutch television
The client wanted to generate attention on how to stop elderly abuse. Partly because of our film also the National Dutch Television (Omroep Max) got interested and they made this item for ‘Hallo Nederland’.