26 02, 2018

GRITO de PIEDRA | 4-9 March 2018 | VPRO NPO Cultura


In the context of the VPRO series 'Over de rug van de Andes' the documentary film GRITO de PIEDRA by Ton van Zantvoort is shown four times on NPO Cultura: 4 March 21:01 6 March 17:55 7 March 14:01 9 March 14:21 If you want to know more about Potosí or help [...]

GRITO de PIEDRA | 4-9 March 2018 | VPRO NPO Cultura2018-02-27T14:32:36+02:00
5 02, 2015

GRITO de PIEDRA | NPODoc | February 7-13


In the year of the mines, NPODoc goes underground ... Between February 7 - 13 NPODoc screens the documentary GRITO de PIEDRA in the context of the 2015, year of the mines (M2015) Saturday 07-02-'15 at 17:11 Sunday 08-02-'15 at 05:43 Tuesday 10-02-'15 17:17 Wednesday 11-02-'15 21:23 Thursday 12-02-'15 at 16:13 Friday 13-02-'15 at 06:31 [...]

GRITO de PIEDRA | NPODoc | February 7-132015-02-05T20:42:25+02:00
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