CUSTOMER JOURNEY2024-09-23T22:48:10+02:00

Currently, we are working hard on the documentary CUSTOMER JOURNEY. In the film, we follow the integration journey of several status holders in the Municipality of Breda and gain a unique insight into how different organizations attempt to guide them through the complex maze of Dutch society. Read here to learn how you can contribute as well.

director & cinematography: Ton van Zantvoort
producer: NEWTON film / Annerose Langeveld
broadcaster: EO
language: Dutch, English, Arabic
duration: 55/75 minutes
expected: end of 2025
ISAN: 0000-0007-0431-0000-1-0000-0000-Y

Since the new Civic Integration Act came into force, the responsibility for the integration process no longer lies with the newcomers themselves but with the individual municipalities in the Netherlands. The Municipality of Breda developed the CUSTOMER JOURNEY integration program for this purpose. The documentary CUSTOMER JOURNEY follows several newcomers as they go through various steps of this integration process.

The film shows the challenges faced by both the newcomers and the institutions and provides a unique insight into how different organizations attempt to guide them through Dutch society: from housing, financial assistance, and social support, to language and cultural lessons, finding employment, and buddy programs with local residents.

The integration process reveals how complex the organization of the Netherlands can be. Can we expect newcomers to adapt to a society that has become a maze for a large part of the population?

CUSTOMER JOURNEY is a feature-length documentary that follows the integration journey of several status holders in the Municipality of Breda, providing a unique insight into how different institutions try to guide them through the complex maze of Dutch society.

The documentary CUSTOMER JOURNEY offers a unique insight into the challenges and opportunities of the new integration process and can be a valuable addition to events focused on social integration, community engagement, or policy development.

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    How can you contribute?

    Help by signing up for our mailing list to stay updated on the latest developments and screenings. When the film is completed at the end of 2025, you can share the project within your network or on social media using the hashtags #CUSTOMERJOURNEY and #INTEGRATION. Every action, no matter how small, helps to stimulate conversation and raise awareness.

    After the premiere in late 2025, CUSTOMER JOURNEY will be shown in various cinemas. Your organization can also organize an exclusive screening, for example, with a Q&A with the director or those involved. Together, we can reflect, inspire, and work towards a more inclusive society.
    Join us and contribute!

    Help to organize a screening? Get in touch.

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      With thanks to all the organizations that made this film possible:
      Gemeente Breda, Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk, Buddy tot Buddy, Tilburg University, Krediet Bank, COA, Taal Ideaal, NCB Breda, Tulp Training, basisschool De Fontein, Zorg voor elkaar, IMW, Arriva, Digi-Taalhuis Nieuwe Veste, woningcorporatie Laurentius en Wonenbreburg.

      Screenings will begin at the end of 2025. Keep an eye on our website and follow us on social media.

      By the end of 2025, you will be able to download the press kit here, which includes high-resolution stills, the official trailer, promotional posters, flyers, and social media material.

      Director Ton van Zantvoort (1979)

      Ton van Zantvoort director filmmaker cameraman editor BredaFilmography (selection)
      CUSTOMER JOURNEY, 55/80 min, in production
      a WORLD to SHAPE, 52 min, 2022
      a TRAVELER’S GUIDE, 63 min, 2022
      SHEEP HERO, 81 min, 2018
      the BENNO TAPES, 54 min, 2015
      a BLOOMING BUSINESS, 52 min, 2009
      SHOUT OF STONE, 55 min, 2006
      other films: Past as Future, 18 min, 2011; Lovely Planet, 8 min, 2009; Carrousel, 7 min, 2010; Another Day in Bombay, 10 min, 2007; Isla Totora, 10 min, 2007; Pack, 5 min, 2005; Moja Mbegu, 5 min, 2004; Items, 25 min, 2003; Khamu Village, 25 min, 2003

      Ton van Zantvoort (Heesch, 1979) is a producer, director, cameraman, and editor whose work has been shown at renowned A-list film festivals. He has won dozens of international awards for, among other things, best direction, best camera work, and best editing. Visit his website for the full CV.

      Producer Annerose Langeveld (1981)

      PRODUCER | NEWTON film

      CUSTOMER JOURNEY, 55/80 min, production, expected 2025
      a WORLD to SHAPE, 52 min, sound, 2022
      a TRAVELER’S GUIDE, 63 min, production, 2022
      a BLOOMING BUSINESS, 52 min, production, 2009


      Annerose Langeveld is a producer at NEWTON film. After graduating from the St. Joost Academy of Fine Arts, she earned her degree in Visual Arts and Design with honors. Her career began in the visual arts before transitioning to the film industry, where she started with supporting roles and developed into a producer at NEWTON film. Her first feature documentary as a producer is “CUSTOMER JOURNEY.” Additionally, she is the director and producer of Stichting NEWTON film. Her unique background and experience make her a valuable asset to the team.


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